Thursday, March 3, 2011

52 Weeks Of Happiness, Week 1

It's Thursday. I have the first week's photo. I think I'll just always aim to post it on Thursday.

Today's happiness is brought to you by...


This signifies me time, health and exercise, and motivation. I recently completed my third half-marathon, but first post-baby. It is a thrilling accomplishment. My shoes were kaput, so hubby and I went to the best store to get them in Memphis. I love my Brooks shoes. And since they are so tailored for how you run, you can't choose a color. How lucky I am that it turned out to be a slightly darker shade of Tiffany blue!


1 comment:

  1. First of all, LOVE this idea!! What a wonderful way to appreciate what's around you and the happiness it can bring! We all get so caught up in life that even though we may be happy, we miss a lot of little things that can make us that much happier!!

    Second, I need new running shoes too!! My first race (5K) is about a month and a half away and I need to break them in first!!
